This chart details the best core exercises for achieving a firmer, more fit midsection to support overall movement and a strong back. The abdominals, hips, and lower back are equally important for transmitting and generating forces between the lower and upper body.
What is Essential Core Training?
Core training is the foundation of great athletic performance. The core muscles splint the entire trunk and torso. Known as the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, the core consists of over 29 pairs of muscles working together to stabilize the spine, pelvis, and hips for all movement.
The core is made up of two layers. The deepest layer consists of muscles that stabilize the spine. They are the transversus abdominis, multifidi, medial quadratus lumborum, pelvic floor and diaphragm muscles. The second layer consists of the rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, erector spinae and lateral quadratus lumborum muscles. They flex, extend, and rotate the spine. Both layers work together to create a strong core, allowing you to enjoy every sport and activity.
Daily habits can be powerful. Routine anchors us and builds resilience and health. Adding a routine or mini-structure to your day so that fewer decisions need to be made is one way to succeed. When it comes to your health, … Continue reading →
If your neck and shoulders are chronically tight, not only does it feel bad, but neck and shoulder limitations affect the biomechanics of your body. Conversely, when you have balance and alignment in everyday life, you establish a great starting … Continue reading →
Can you think of a time when your problems seemed insurmountable? In a world where our happiness is so crucial to our overall well-being, behavioral tools can be helpful. If you’re struggling with goals like eating better, sleeping or exercising … Continue reading →
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Healing a sore back requires breaking some old habits and forming some new ones, says Dr. Stuart McGill. If you’re living with an achy back, getting your swagger back, as McGill, the most recognized spine researcher in the world, states, … Continue reading →
All winter sports require strong leg muscles, good balance and core support—all benefits of doing regular squats. The squat is one of the most common and basic exercises performed in strength training and offers a tremendous bang for your buck. … Continue reading →
Good habits contribute to optimum health. When it comes to your health, preventing injuries in any sport or activity you enjoy is crucial. No one likes being injured. With a New Year fast approaching, here are five injury-preventing moves to … Continue reading →
Early fall, ski-teamers are working on quad strength for their upcoming competitive season. You should be, too, if you are planning to ski this winter. Even if you’re not doing any type of physical activity, you should at least train … Continue reading →
The feet and ankles support and cushion the entire weight of the body and are crucial to keep your body balanced. Anyone that has to be on his or her feet all day knows that they bear a lot of … Continue reading →
We need sleep and it’s best in moderation, like most things in life. According to studies recently published in the journal Brain, there is a middle range to keep the brain sharp over time, and most adults need at least … Continue reading →
The human brain is a magnificent three-pound organ. It is the seat of our intelligence, initiates all our body movement and controls our behavior. As we all age, the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases is expected to markedly increase. Our health … Continue reading →
The Covid -19 pandemic has impacted everyone across the globe. It has affected our lives on both a small and large scale, particularly having to let go, for a while, of a pre-Covid world. Remember, there is nothing wrong about allowing … Continue reading →
Core stability is imperative for all facets of movement and performance, whether you’re a skier or skater. As a new ski season kicks off, core strength can be a great asset to ski at a higher intensity, for a longer … Continue reading →
Try this new six-move fitness routine to break your pandemic rut Did you ever imagine living through a pan- demic? More than ever, we’re all chal- lenged to be resilient. For many of us, our routines are shot and the new … Continue reading →
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could simply get rid of your belly fat with a few crunches and ab work? After all, wouldn’t all that hard work melt the fat away if you really put your heart into it? … Continue reading →
Fear and uncertainty are real right now, as each week brings even more uncertainty fighting COVID-19. Many of us are scared and lonely. But please don’t be so hard on yourself right now, because you already are doing something very … Continue reading →
Nothing beats a great pair of legs. We need the strength of them to walk us through our lives. If you’re a skier, you can appreciate how hard your legs have to work on a powder day, as your hips … Continue reading →
Daily habits can be powerful. Routine builds structure, helps us stay on track and use our time wisely. Adding a simple mini exercise program to your day is one way to succeed. For many of us, we’re missing some key exercises that can keep us flexible, injury-free and improve function. Here are six top core and flexibility exercises that will enhance your athletic performance. Whether you are a seasoned athlete, or simply just enjoy being active and don’t want to get injured, incorporate these moves into your day.
Activate the core: Heel-on-toe crunch
The heel-on-toe crunch targets the abdominals while limiting spine movement. Photo courtesy of Connie Aronson
The core muscles help stabilize the spine and support movement. The following two core exercises build muscular fitness, have minimal movement, and are far more effective than a standard sit-up. To a viewer, it might not look like you’re doing much of anything, writes Stuart McGill in his book, “Back Mechanic,†but with proper technique, you should feel like you’re working.
Begin with your legs straight, left heel on top of right foot.
Bring your left hand behind your head for support, and lift your right arm straight up from your shoulder.
Curl up, raising your head, neck and shoulder blades off the mat, tightening your abdominals.
Hold for 10 seconds.
Slowly return to the start position. Six reps.
Side-lying hip lift
Side-lying hip lift. If you have a sensitive spine, bring the top foot ahead of the bottom foot. Photo courtesy of Connie Aronson
To regress the move, lift from bent knees.
Lying on your right side with your top leg stacked, place your right elbow under your right shoulder.
Exhale and lift your right hip off the floor.
Hold for 10 counts.
Slowly lower to start. 6-8 reps. Switch sides.
Wall hamstring stretch
Wall hamstring Stretch. Slide the hips further down the wall for a greater range of motion. You can increase the stretch, and involve more gastrocnemius, by taking the outside leg across the body.
The wall hamstring stretch is an effective way to stretch your hamstrings. The stability of the wall and prone position help you relax deeper into the stretch, and you can easily adjust the intensity by moving your hips further or closer to the wall. Tight hamstrings may be a sign of imbalances, such as an anterior pelvic tilt or tracking problems of the knee. The hamstrings start at the sit bones and attach on either side of the lower leg. The muscles act as guide ropes on the legs as the foot rolls inward or outward (pronation and supination).
Lie on the floor with the stretching leg on the corner of a wall or doorframe, with the other leg flat on the floor, heeled flexed.
Use a pillow for your neck if needed.
Move the hips closer or further from the wall to adjust the intensity.
Keep the bottom leg straight. If you can’t, bend the bottom knee.
Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat two to three cycles on each leg. Tip: Squeezing the quads will increase the stretch.
Foam roller alignment
Reset your alignment every day by lying on a foam roller.
Lying lengthwise on a foam roller not only feels good but encourages good spinal length. If you’re hunched over with age, or are guilty of bending forward while scrolling on your phone, it can result in a “forward head.†For every inch that your head is forward, there’s 10 more pounds of pressure on the neck. Lengthening the lumbar erector spinal muscles helps encourage neutral alignment and good posture.
With your knees bent, lie on a roller, head supported and neck in a neutral position.
Tighten the abdominals.
Gently roll side to side for 20-30 seconds, two to three times.
Foam roller thoracic spine
Foam roller thoracic spine Photo courtesy of Connie Aronson
Using a foam roller on your thoracic spine helps upper back stiffness, as you can target the rhomboids and trapezius muscles. Rolling is a self-myofascial release technique that immediately relaxes sore spots and movement restrictions, allowing soft tissue and inflamed joints to rest and recover.
Place a foam roller under your shoulder blades or at bra height.
Support your head and tuck your chin.
Bend your knees, tilt the pelvis slightly and lift your hips and pelvis off the floor.
Gently roll on any tight or sore spots for 20-30 seconds.
Prayer stretch
Prayer stretch . Perform prayer stretch immediately after you’ve finished foam rolling any sore spots on the upper back. Photo courtesy of Connie Aronson
Kneel on the floor with your hands on a roller.
Slowly extend your arms forward, letting your chest move toward the floor.
Relax in the stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat two to three times.
If you don’t have a roller, walk your hands forward, fully extending your arms, allowing your head to rest gently on the floor.