Add single -leg squats to your training


  • Early fall, ski-teamers are working on quad strength for their upcoming competitive season. You should be, too, if you are planning to ski this winter. Even if you’re not doing any type of physical activity, you should at least train your legs to keep them strong. As an exercise, squats strengthen your leg muscles, especially the glutes and quadriceps, and your core, burn calories and help prevent injury. If you’ve been avoiding squats because of knee pain, you are not alone, as over 50% of people experience knee pain on a regular basis. It’s likely that you might not have sufficient ankle, foot or hip mobility to squat well. With specific massage, stretches and exercises you can fix this common muscle imbalance.

The squat is a movement that we do throughout the day, from sitting into a chair or car, to lifting up a child or parcel. It’s also a foundational movement where the feet, ankles and hips have to be working correctly. Leg machines such as the leg extension and leg curl machine are useful, but you could be missing out on building more dynamic, full-body exercises that burn more calories and are fun. A ground-based exercise, the single leg squat, puts high loads on the leg without the need for additional weight.

Consider that in walking or any ground-based activity, the ankle needs to roll in, bend, and absorb weight as you transfer your weight from the right foot to the left. Similarly, the hip should internally rotate as you step forward. Together, there is an accepting and transferring of weight through the entire lower kinetic chain. For example, if the hips aren’t internally rotating in a back swing, stresses may affect the knee, shoulder or back. The knee simply doesn’t have the same mobility that the ankles and hips are capable of, as the knee mostly bends forward and back, with limited movement side to side and in rotation. Without the feet, ankles and hips working correctly, the knee is compromised. It’s important to note that the knee and foot’s (and spine’s) primary function is stability.

The TRX Lunge (photo 3), a single leg exercise, will strengthen your leg muscles and is a great way to dynamically stretch the hip flexor muscles of the rear leg.

Corrective exercise sequence to target the hip flexors

1. Tennis ball rolling on the hip flexor. Justin Price, creator of the BioMechanics Method, likens tennis ball or foam rolling to blowing a big bubble. You first have to chew the gum to prepare it to be pliant enough to blow a bubble! You can use a baseball or any other ball you have during the self-myofascial release portion. Hold each sore spot for 20-30 seconds, for a total of two to three minutes on each side.  


A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
Tennis ball on the hip flexor

2. Kneeling hip flexor stretch. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side 


A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
Kneeling quad stretch- engage the gluteals and core

3. Single leg  lunge. Aim for about 90% of the weight on your front leg.

A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
TRX suspended lunge

Printed in the Idaho Mountain Express October 12, 2022

Why you need to stretch your hamstrings

A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
Tight hamstrings are all too common, as is forgetting to stretch

Does it feel awful when you bend over to touch your toes? Many of us also become acutely aware of tight hamstrings when they cramp, hurt or when we experience back pain. Tight hamstrings are all too common, as is forgetting to stretch. Even if you are devoted to daily hamstring stretching, you still feel as if you’ve made little progress. Quite often the culprit can be attributed to weak gluteals, or “gluteal amnesia.” Gluteal amnesia is when your glutes aren’t firing, and the hamstrings have to work overtime, causing further cramps or strains. Any weakness in the gluteus max can contribute to common dysfunctions such as lower back pain along with knee pain.

Use a two-part plan in stretching your hamstrings. First, strengthen your glutes, followed by stretching your hamstrings. The hamstring group (semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and the biceps femoris) starts at the butt bone and runs down the outside and inside of the leg and attach to the lower leg. These muscles have two important real life functions. First, they help side-to-side alignment of the knee, as these muscles are like a guyline from the base of your pelvis, down the back of the leg, and knee. When you touch your toes, the hamstrings stretch, but more specifically, the lengthening under tension controls the inward or outward rolling of the knee. The hamstrings also act as a big crane to slow down your trunk as you lean forward to touch your toes, thus sparing compression forces on your lower back.

Incorporating both glute strengthening exercises, and isolated hamstring stretching into your routine can help make the way down to touching your toes feel good, as well as combating pain and cramping issues. Here is a daily sequence to incorporate:

A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
Butt lift over ball- a great gluteal strengthener
A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
Standing hamstring stretch. Place your right leg up on a chair or bench, keeping your leg straight and both feet aligned straight. Pull the right side of your pelvis back and away from the right foot. Flex your foot. Rotate the torso to the right by reaching the left hand over the right knee, and vice versa when stretching the left leg. Tip: Actively contract the quadriceps throughout this stretch to release the hamstrings. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.
A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
Doorway stretch. This is a great home stretch, as you perform it lying on the back, even as you watch TV. Place your foot up on the corner of a wall or on a door- frame. While in this stretch aim to keep the leg straight.
A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
This is a great home stretch for your hamstrings
A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
PNF stretch with strap. Lying on your back, place a yoga strap or stretch strap around your leg. Straighten your leg up toward the ceiling. While in this position contract the hamstring by attempting to lower the leg back toward the ground as the strap resists the motion. Then relax the hamstrings and apply a 10-second stretch by using the strap to pull the leg closer toward the chest. Repeat three times and end with a 30-second static stretch. Tip: Ideally, your leg should go vertically upwards without pain for good flexibility.
A woman is stretching on the floor with another person.
PNF hamstring stretch with strap

Published in The Idaho Mountain Express 9/9/2022