TRX Suspension Training Group

A group of people holding onto straps in the gym

Ready for a workout?

Leave it to a Navy Seal to figure out a way to stay in peak condition. On missions, a few lengths of parachute webbing stitched together evolved into the hottest trend in body weight training-TRX Suspension Training. Join us every Monday @ 2-3 pm for an exciting class with this fun new method of functional training. Please contact me for more info.

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About ConAron2799

Connie Aronson is an elite personal trainer who has been coaching and helping people for over three decades. She is an American College of Sports Medicine Exercise Physiologist and a BioMechanics Method Corrective Movement Specialist. Connie also holds top national certifications, including the American Council on Exercise Gold level, the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research and AFFA . She is certified as an Active Isolated Strengthening Therapist, a method of fascia release used to facilitate stretching. Connie is an International Dance Exercise Association Elite Level Personal Trainer, which represents the highest achievement in the personal fitness training industry. She also writes a popular monthly health and fitness column for the Idaho Mountain Express in Ketchum, Idaho.